“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27 NIV
Emotions are a gift from God and should always be treated as such.
However, when it comes to this gift, it is important that it remains engaged in the constraints of truth. Whether it is to for enjoyment, to be sad, worried, or any other. For example, anger is also a gift, but only for us to be able to feel after the spirit and be grieved by the things that grieve Him.
But anger misdirected has been the cause of many offenses, murders, and all kinds of sorrows. It should never be directed towards an individual for the Lord we serve seeks that all men be saved, but against the sinful action that it may be purged from among us (Deuteronomy 19:19).
Child of God never take vengeance in your hands, never respond in anger that is not fueled by love or instilling you to take matters in your hands. The Lord is a righteous judge, trust Him with such battles! Hallelujah.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I surrender my emotions to you that I may always feel after you and be driven to my knees rather than my fists. I shall not be found in error when it comes to balanced judgement , in Jesus name. Amen!