“The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being.” Proverbs 20:27 NIV
Proverbs 18:14 says: the strong spirit of a man sustains him in times of trouble, but who can endure a broken spirit?
Tribulation is what shows us what we are made of. Many will come against such statements arguing that we glorify pain, but those who know that our world is not designed to protect us from suffering will relate to our Lord in this sacrifice. He took on suffering more than we ever could imagine, and trusted entirely in the promise of the Father to inherit not just the crown of life but sit by His side in glory.
It is through that same spirit that God searches our inmost being, and it is for you to exercise yourself into every truth that strengthens you. As one great minister once said: worshipping while suffering is a sacrifice you get to give God only in this earth! Rejoice therefore in your tribulations.
Praise the Lord.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this word. I know without doubt that my times of testing are never beyond my capacity to bear for you promise so. I thank you for always taking me to the rock higher than I in trying times, that your name may be glorified. Amen!