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“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.” Amos 8:11 NIV

There are things we should never take for granted such as being helped by God (Psalm 115:11), being taught of God (Psalm 25:12) and have access to His treasures (Matthew 13:52).

Men have a tendency to take what is available in abundance for granted and realize its value when they have it no more. It is no different from the word of God, which Paul calls a time many will look for teachers that speak what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3) while there is an abundance of sound teaching.

Child of God, do not be like the sluggard who is too lazy to plant in season! Do not wait for times to get harder in order to seek the Lord. Sow his words to your spirit come rain or shine, it is a seed that never fails to produce, independent of the seasons.

Praise the Lord!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. I am privileged to access and know your word. Grant me understanding through your holy spirit and counsel me in the ways I should apply my self to it, in Jesus name! Amen. 


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