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“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” 2 Corinthians 11:30 NIV

In her insightful book A Tale of Three Kings, Gene Edwards beautifully illustrates the message behind our theme scripture:
“Men who speak endlessly on authority only prove they have none. Authority from God is not afraid of challenges, makes no defense, and cares not one whit if it must be dethroned.”

The lives of Saul, David, and Absalom serve as a vivid contrast between kings who sought to prove their own power and those whose authority was validated and upheld by God. In the story of Absalom’s rebellion, one might expect King David to retaliate fiercely against his son to defend his throne. However, David does not respond with violence or pride. Instead, he seeks the Lord, trusting that since God had placed him in power, He alone would be the one to determine his reign.

The Apostle Paul echoes this kingdom principle in our theme scripture making it clear that his weaknesses—his sufferings, trials, and even persecutions—are powerful witnesses to the truth he proclaims. He contrasts himself with the false teachers of his time, who lived in luxury and made their message one of self-interest. In God’s upside-down kingdom, our weaknesses become the very thing through which His power is revealed. It is when we are broken, dependent, and vulnerable that we open ourselves up to the strength that only God can provide.

True authority and strength do not come from self-reliance, but from surrendering to God’s will and trusting that His power will be made perfect in our weakness. As we allow ourselves to be broken and humbled, we become vessels for God’s glory, demonstrating that His grace alone sustains us.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this wisdom. In a world that exalts power, wealth, and self-promotion, I boast in the simplicity of Christ—embracing my dependence on Him and recognizing that it is in my brokenness that His divine power flows most fully. It shall be said of me that my life served as a vessel of honor, in Jesus name. Amen!



• 2 Corinthians 4:7
• 2 Corinthians 12:9
• Proverbs 3:5-6
• 2 Samuel 15

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