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One of the things that Satan understands is seasons. He does not necessarily know the exact timing of God (kairos) but he is sensitive to seasons and times of elevation, prosperity or promotion for the children of God. One of his oldest and most popular tricks from time immemorial is to cause enmity between God and man or the destiny helpers and whom they are assigned to help. Men who lack discernment or the wisdom that proves all things, always fall victim of this cunningness and most times realize their mistakes when it is too late to fix it.

And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents. (Genesis 13:5 KJV)

If you are a keen student of the Bible, you will realize that it is a familiar thing for God to prosper the men that are associated with the ones He has a covenant with. Lot is a great example to demonstrate it. Every time it is mentioned that Abraham prospered, it also says that Lot who went with him prospered alongside the patriarch yet, when God released the instruction for Abraham to leave, He did not ask him to take anybody except his wife and flock with him.

The house of David is another example. God promised him that as long as the world lives, a descendant of his household shall reign over His people. This is a prophecy fulfilled and sealed by the present and everlasting Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also know of another man who God was with, Jacob. His father in law discerns, although by divination, that he is prosperous because Jacob was with him (Genesis 30:27).

Unfortunately, believers today are ignorant of this principle. God has multiple ways to teach us different things and to prepare us for the responsibilities ahead of us in spite of our being called. Jacob was the one who had a covenant with God but he still needed to serve another man for a time as his character was being built and pruned as a patriarch. When he is out of his training by God, he wrestles with God and in there comes the fulfillment of what was spoken over him by the changing of his name (Genesis 32:24).

Many believers think that because God called them today, especially when it comes to ministry, that they can immediately dive into missions or preaching for example. And there are those believers who are called to the marketplace, or certain career paths and once they receive that dream, vision, or knowledge from God, they rush into it head on without considering the importance of preparation. I have often said that God is not interested in giving you a glory that will be short lived. The Father cares for us to share in His Glory, which is eternal, that if any man be blessed by God, it is their story for the longevity of their lives that truly this is a man that walked with God.

There are ministers that I have observed, in sorrow, who have refused to serve another man or ministry out of sheer pride and deliberately choose to disassociate with them. In so doing, these ministers forsake the fullness of the riches that their own household could have accessed through their consistent learning and observation of the one who had gone before them(Genesis 30:30-43).

The same with employees in the marketplace, dishonoring the rules of the house, unable to arrive on time but making haste to leave before time and expecting promotion or honor from their employers. Child of God, you will always have some kind of authority above you; whether you have a business of your own, own property or occupy a great position in any firm. There are rules that also govern such kinds of labor.

As a believer, promotion doesn’t depend on who you know, that is how you determine that you really trust and know God to be your provider and the rest of your labors to be vessels or channels through which He provides. Often, I have seen that a faithful and diligent service to one greater than you shows your Master your ethic, your discipline and faithfulness with little (Luke 16:10).

Although Jacob was the one with a covenant, his father in law was still his elder and by principle, he had to serve and honor him despite his being a thief or one without a covenant. It did not diminish Jacob’s favor nor did it belittle him in what God had allotted to him, and as faithful as he was, so was his reward.

Many believers still are oblivious of such unwritten rules and think that they will break pattern and principle and somehow twist God’s hand into promotion, increase or prosperity. Do not frustrate the grace upon your life by hardening yourself towards God’s principles of preparation. There is nothing as deceitful as assuming that the only True Discerner of hearts can overlook any form of dishonesty or pride and exalt you simply because you are a believer.

A man that truly knows God, knows that He operates within the ambits of what is true, honest, praiseworthy, just and pure (Phillipians 4:8). Learn to abandon your present course, to be consecrated to God and devoted to pleasing Him. Learn to go over to His side, taking part in renouncing yours and everybody’s sin, and every excuse that provokes you to procrastinate in choosing God.

If you have never given your life to Jesus Christ, and you feel that this is the perfect time, pray this prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I thank you because you died for my sins and you were raised for my glory. Today, I receive you as my Lord and Savior. I am born again. Amen.”

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