“Already you have all you want! Already you have become rich! You have begun to reign—and that without us! How I wish that you really had begun to reign so that we also might reign with you!” 1 Corinthians 4:8 NIV
Pride has a way of magnifying what should be kept small in its right estimate, and diminishing what should be magnified.
As a result, it inevitably causes the one whose heart it inhabits to always be entangled in situations that make them seem foolish seeing they don’t always look at things for what they truly are. Paul is writing sarcastically if you may, that these people already have all they want, are rich and reigning and how he wishes they could reign with him.
Paul doesn’t mean it literally neither does he envy their status, instead he is calling them to ponder being rich and reigning in the context of having everything because you have God. The kingdom of God is a paradox in which everything we value and treasure in our worldly view is the complete opposite of what matters in the eyes of God.
We are called to be poor in spirit because in there we welcome the opportunity to be taught and corrected. We consider our mourning and trials as blessings because they offer an opportunity for us to be comforted.
We are blessed when we can extend mercy, for mercy will be shown to us in return. It is in this spirit that we should desire others to reign with us! Praise the Lord.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this profound truth. Help me see and recognize the area of my life that are not yet surrendered to you that they may not become a foothold for the enemy. Thank you for breaking me daily that I may not be oblivious to your purpose and plan, in Jesus name. Amen!