“In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.” Hebrews 1:7 NIV
God’s ministers are made to be swift, potent and as terrible as fire.
One of the most blessed things anyone can do is to bring the good news to another. St Francis if Assisi put it well when he said: ‘preach the Gospel at all times and use words when necessary.’ This is not to say that leading by virtuous example is more important than preaching the gospel, but it does highlight the natural way men learn best which is by observing.
Likening such to fire is to speak truth that consumes every lie that men have thus far believed and adhered to, both with grace and love that compels them to come in. The laborers who have learnt the way of love that covers will minister unto the Lord and harvest many from death into life eternal (Matthew 9:37).
May it be said of you that you were among such ones! Hallelujah.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this word. I know the grace is extended to me daily and like the wise man said it is by your mercies that we are not consumed. May your word dwell so richly in me that my direct responses reflect who is chief of my life, in Jesus name. Amen!