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“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” Philippians 3:10-11 NIV

God gave us many gifts as individuals and many times when we are submitting to the world and its culture, those very gifts become perverted and can be used against us.

For example, a gifted writer who could have produced many books that glorify God, becomes perverted and uses the God-given gift to produce erotic material that leads many into the pit of lust and promiscuity. When you receive the lordship of Jesus, for the most part many will feel as though their gift cannot be used anymore, but a lot of times it will be for a short time. That is likened to Paul’s words in this passage, participating into His death.

That gift may feel like it died, but it is to the end that it may be raised right — hence the resurrection. Satan has no power to create or annul anything God has given you, he can only pervert or cause you to come into agreement with his lies. Even then, God is merciful enough to restore the repentant.

If you feel this shedding, I come bearing good news that as you endure and surrender to the Lord, the resurrection of all that He gave you in the first place is near. God’s gifts are irrevocable. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this privilege. I surrender the place of my gifting to you that you may use it to glorify your name. I am confident nothing dies in your hands, except to be raised right, in Jesus name. Amen! 


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