”But you did not so learn Christ!“
Many of the things we understand very well in our individual journeys are based off of personal experiences.
You cannot fully understand the depth or emptiness losing a parent inflicts upon one’s soul if you have not lost one. You cannot understand the pain of a miscarriage if all your children were born well and healthy. You might empathize but never to the degree of one who has lived that experience.
So it is with our individual journey of faith, you can only cling or hold fast to God and to His promises to the degree which you have experienced Him. Some of the ways He manifests to the intentional seeker is through His word. The Word of God fleshes out His character, attributes and intentions towards us.
The second thing is the inward witness of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness with what we read and confirming it in the most profound parts of our souls as truth. The third is faith, which stands as the bridge that enable us to behold the former as reality.
Child of God, do not live insensitive of the ways in which you first knew Christ. There is a truth that first gripped your heart and caused you to believe. It could be a particular sermon, a miracle that occurred when you needed it a most, an audible voice that radically changed your life while at wits end, always circle back to such and commit your trust to God unwaveringly.
I live you with the words of Paul:
And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. like our mother Sarah, I have judged you faithful to fulfill that which you promise and I am confident this faith does not shame. Infuse in me your supernatural strength for the journey through your word, for its wisdom is like nails fastened by a good shepherd. I pray and believe this in Jesus mighty name. Amen!