The areas in which we have the most fear in our lives reveal where we trust God the least. Understandably so, we are walking the face of the earth which is mostly time bound yet trusting in a God who is both the author of time and consequently outside of time. Sometimes we cannot even help but feel as though we are late to get that degree, buy that property, get married, have that child or create that business. But this God, time and time again has proved that it is better for you to be pruned and prepared to sustain something than to merely acquire it for the sake of having it. No one knows how deeply wounded Kathryn was throughout this marriage, no one probably ever will know but one thing is for sure: desire and access to seeking and finding God does not guarantee total obedience nor exemption of deceit – but God still proves to be trustworthy and mighty enough to restore those willing to return. [Selah]
Before her wedding to Waltrip, Kathryn told her friends Helen and Lottie the following words: ‘I seem not to find God’s will in this matter’, and this is where the enemy was given a foothold
3. Truth vs Emotions
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
KJVIn the last sentence mentioned by Ms. Kathryn, we see that emotions had overridden the truth that she knew and understood well. God had called her and distinctively set her apart with the evidence of His Spirit vindicating her through her ministry. In spite of this, when the heart is devoted to another that is not the lover of our soul, the lines of His Will are inevitably blurred. I believe such a thing happening to a person so greatly used by God is a humbling lesson to all the diligent and humble seekers that indeed His gifts and callings are without repentance
but also the responsibility of one who has been entrusted with God’s people is a great one and is chastised the hardestChild of God, emotions are a wonderful gift that God has given each one of us for our enjoyment but even if we are meant to enjoy them, we are not by any means to allow ourselves to be governed by them.
we see that the life God promises is in Christ and as one who has Christ dwelling in them, we are a people, as Kathryn was, that cannot afford to tiptoe around what is already revealed by God in His Word. In our theme scripture, Paul introduces an idea that the things we fight against are not always visible, tangible or sensible. They are spiritual and every form of life begins in the spirit, even if it is an invocation of death – remember life and death are in the power of the tongue. He goes on to say that in God, these weapons are mighty and their might is in casting down imaginations not punching one in the gut or slamming the door to one’s face – but casting down imaginations.By this we see that if a thought or imagination is not sanctified by truth, which should be our primary weighing scale of reality, it becomes strong and dangerous enough to exalt itself above what we know about God. In our case study, Waltrip’s thought about not being ‘in love’ at the time of marriage being enough reason to cancel his marriage, exalted itself above the truth of God. In fact, such a thought is so deadly because of the family it ripped apart, when he would have refrained from entering that covenant altogether as he had been so unsure.
Secondly, bringing these thoughts into captivity simply means refusing to indulge them by doing everything that is suggested to us by it, which now results in a revenge towards disobedience because now obedience has been fulfilled. Child of God, if you ever find yourself at a point where no word from whichever individual you may trust to speak in your life seems satisfying, search the scriptures until you find one that is satisfying because it is firstly always true and never can go against God’s will since He cannot deny Himself.
Emotions are a great avenue through which the enemy manipulates humans, including the children of God. However, for the believer, everything Christ died for – including emotions is subject to us because it dwells under His feet and He dwells in us. When you make it your responsibility to actively pursue an emotion, you are pulling what is under your feet to place it above your head – nullifying Christ’s finished work in doing so. Scientists and psychologists have tried to find answers for this phenomena but the best you can teach a soul outside of the liberating truth of what Christ did, is to cope and learn from experiences and that is incomplete counsel.
Controlling Emotions With The Word of Truth
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
NKJVLet not your heart be troubled is a command not a suggestion. Choosing to respond negatively or reactively to every occurrence in your life is a failure on your part as one who has been given the power and authority to cast down imaginations and proud thoughts that exalt themselves above truth. A lack of peace on a matter is enough trouble to draw a believer to tarry longer before God and in truth (His Word) that perfect peace may be established in our hearts. As it is written, He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him
As I have often said, the strength of sin is in secrecy and it is said that Waltrip and Kuhlman’s wedding was in secret and witnessed by total strangers to her. God’s faithfulness will never ask of us anything we are unable to do neither shall it give you a secret and shameful testimony . Our responsibility is to only trust and do.Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart, for the abundance of everything, 48 therefore you shall serve your enemies, whom the Lord will send against you, in hunger, in thirst, in nakedness, and in need of everything; and He will put a yoke of iron on your neck until He has destroyed you.
NKJVIn the spirit realm, there are only two masters to serve: God or the devil. In our theme scripture, in order for the first Master, God, to be served, there must be gladness of heart because it abounds in all things if the one serving is willing and able. In order to serve the enemy, there must be a lack of the latter, a dissatisfaction in all that you have, an insatiable search for more of the tangible and carnal things and its end thereof is more hunger, nakedness and endless need. That is why devil worshippers cannot bring themselves to stop their constant sacrifices to their master except by the saving power of salvation. That is why an uncontrollable exaltation of emotions can result into severe depression and even lead up to suicidal thoughts or suicide itself. Our scripture not only says but assures us that the end of this is to destroy you.
Child of God, it is as much God’s desire for us to have a lifetime companion
and multiply as it is our own. The danger becomes when we desire it more than Him who gives it and blesses it, resulting in fear that drives decisions that could cost you a lifetime of heartache. It was not until Kathryn left this marriage that her ministry was restored. God rewrote her story and restored her ministry but it would have been a completely different story for her had she held one thought captive and subdued the emotion. On one of the very few occasions she was heard commenting on her marriage to Waltrip, she said:“I had to make a choice. Would I serve the man I loved, or the God I loved? I knew I couldn’t serve God and live with Mister. No one will ever know the pain of dying like I know it, for I loved him more than I loved life itself. And for a time, I loved him even more than God. I finally told him I had to leave, for God had never released me from my original call. Not only did I live with him, I had to live with my conscience, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit was almost unbearable. I was tired of trying to justify myself.”1
Only she can fully testify of the cost this decision and double pronged sin was, an adulterous marriage and a divorce at last – but only she could also testify of what God rebuilt when she yielded. There is a place for you as well if any such mistake has happened whether its an over-exalted emotion, a feeling towards another person that superseded your desire to love God through obedience, and that place is called repentance. To you as well that is anxiously waiting with the ultimatum to ‘settle’, His thoughts towards you are to give you a future and hope
His promise to you is that you will not be called desolate nor abandoned, but MarriedMay an undodged faith lead you to the death of self and the life of Christ made perfect in you. May your mind that is stayed on Him, perfect His peace in you. Amen!
If you have never given your life to Jesus Christ, and you feel that this is the perfect time, pray this prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I thank you because you died for my sins and you were raised for my glory. Today, I receive you as my Lord and Savior. I am born again. Amen.”