”Anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Master irreverently is like part of the crowd that jeered and spit on him at his death. Is that the kind of “remembrance” you want to be part of? Examine your motives, test your heart, come to this meal in holy awe.“
A lot of things are symbolic in the body Christ, but some are above others. The Lord’s supper is a reverential celebration of the ultimate sacrifice that has redeemed you and me and did for us what we could not do for ourselves.
As we have communion, our heart is the most important thing to posture. It is the time you have to truly reflect on how far the Lord has brought you, to bring to remembrance the weight of sin and the sacrifice which was given for us to be reconciled to the God of all creation.
It is surely not a time to condemn ourselves, for if any man be in Christ He is a new creature and the old is gone while the new has come (Romans 8:1), but it is indeed a time to take a hindsight look as an encouragement for the forward advancement as a heir, a king and a priest.
Child of God, if you ought to treat anything as sacred, let this be the first. Paul uses strong language likening distraction, familiarity or indifference during communion to the crowd that shouted crucify Him to their very savior, mocking and spitting on His face.
See to it that your heart condemns you not concerning this matter, for the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. Praise the Lord!
Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. My spirit is well exercised in things ethical, reverential and divine. It can never be said of me that I regarded with contempt the very sacrifice that reconciled me to truth. Thank you for dealing with my heart and instilling humility to yield more to your leading, in Jesus’ name. Amen!