“For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer.” Psalms 66:17-19 NLT
Confession does more for the one that practices it than the God who recommends it. Sin has a way of shaming, isolating and creating a chasm between the believer and his God.
More so, this is in one’s thoughts than it is the reality for God promises nothing can snatch us from his hand, yet the spirit wounded by sin finds itself unable to believe. In our theme scripture, the psalmist highlights an important role of confession: to expose the sin in our heart that our prayers may not be hindered. God doesn’t just respond to what we speak, He searches the hearts and knows the minds, consequently making him aware also of what we think.
Thankfully, He will not despise the humble in heart that not only acknowledges the sin they are aware of in their hearts, and that which has already been done. It will all the more set you free and keep your boldness unhindered before your Father! Hallelujah.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. My life is an open book before you. I take comfort in confessing my iniquities because I know your mercies are new everyday and I stand forgiven and renewed. I thank you for the unspeakable gift that is Jesus Christ, my Lord and savior who made this possible, to the glory of your name! Amen!