“As for you, be calm and cool and steady, accept and suffer unflinchingly every hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fully perform all the duties of your ministry.” 2 Timothy 4:5 AMPC
One of the biggest problems we have in the church today is false teachings. The only reason a believer cannot recognize that they are seated under unsound doctrine is that it ministers to their already existing passions.
For a teaching to be false it might be untrue, adding or taking from the essence of what scripture is originally conveying. It is also false when it is not correcting, rebuking, and encouraging with great patience and instruction ( 2 Timothy 4:2). In our theme scripture, Paul tells Timothy that he has to unflinchingly suffer hardship because our human fallen nature does not like truth, especially when it challenges what we hold on to so dearly.
This is not only for ministers, but also for believers who are serious about their salvation. Yield your heart to the Lord that by His spirit he may circumcise the desires that are not aligned with his will for your life.
The way of the kingdom is a death that precedes a resurrection and into life eternal. Hallelujah!
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. Search my heart and see if there is any grievous thing in it. As your word promises, you have given us shepherds after your own hearts and the discernment to see and recognize them. I thank you cause you lead me into submission and prepare me for the appointed day, in Jesus name. Amen!