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”When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.“ Psalms 63:6-8 NKJV

King David wrote this psalm in the wilderness of Judah, after his own son had attempted a coup d’état against him. David is not any different from us, because some of the greatest things men we know as great did, came from distinctive points of their lives where they experienced the furthest extreme of pain.

You can hardly do so, but try to imagine yourself in the shoes of David, a mighty man of war and valor, with a myriad of victories under his belt, thousands of men, women and children following him and expecting so much from him.

Just imagine the thoughts that should, rightfully run through his mind, wondering how he will redeem the situation and overwhelmed by the responsibility on his shoulders and towards his followers. That is the most human thing to do, especially when you have a weight of responsibility such as one of a King.

But David did not, at any point think of himself as the one who bears the responsibility to redeem the situation, but He knew who did. Almost the entirety of the psalms show a man conversing with God, hurting with God, processing emotions with God, bringing to remembrance God’s faithfulness and encouraging himself IN the Lord.

Child of God, the most detrimental thing to your spiritual progression is forgetting the faithfulness of God. It is actually possible to live on top of the mountain and rarely get into the valleys by disciplining your mind to ALWAYS remember His faithfulness. Take time, and ponder on this. Halleluya!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. My mind is kept sane by the remembrance of your faithfulness and your never changing nature. On my best and worst day, my mouth can’t help but sing you praises for my situation is changeable while you remain the same. I look to you always, thanks to my Lord and master Christ Jesus, now and forevermore! Amen. 


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