“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:4 NIV
Many of you have certainly heard the cliché ‘you might be the only Bible someone gets to read’, and in a figure it is not wrong. In our theme scripture Paul tells us that as believers, Christ has become our life. The word used for life is Zoe, which by definition is the absolute fulness of life both essential, and ethical belonging to God through the person of the Word — Jesus Christ.
This new life you inherited through Christ is real, genuine, active, vigorous, devoted to God, blessed and whose affections are geared towards pleasing the Lord. Many of you that have walked with the Lord in sincerity and truth for sometime can testify that truly he mends the broken hearts.
He changes our stories and makes us a glory to behold, he magnifies the work of our hands and causes a great report to be spoken of us, he gives us friends in his family that stick closer than brothers, He truly renews and restores. Child of God, let there be no discouragement or self condemnation. Christ is your life, and as you live surrendered to His leading and yielded to his counsel, your fruit shall inevitably and undoubtedly speak of Him. Glory to God!
Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. I have the life of God in me and I am truly seated with Christ above all principalities and powers. My mind may not always be swift to remember this, especially when the pressures push to cave in, but even then you have taught my mind to serve you. Let the meditations of my heart and the words of my mouth be pleasing to you and evidence of whom I have trusted, in Jesus’ name! Amen.