“Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all.” Hebrews 12:7-8 NIV https://bible.com/bible/111/heb.12.7-8.NIV
In today’s scripture, Paul highlights three important themes: (a) God’s fatherly love, (b) spiritual growth through hardship, and (c) our legitimacy as children in God’s family. Hardships and suffering are not random misfortunes; they are allowed by God in ways that are specifically tailored to help us grow.
As Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:13, God ensures we’re never faced with more than we can handle, and He uses these trials to teach and refine us. As children, we may have felt the discipline of our earthly fathers was harsh or unfair. But as we grow older, we come to appreciate how that discipline shaped us for the better. In the same way, God’s discipline is meant to guide us, strengthen our faith, and help us mature. It’s also a reminder that we are deeply loved by Him and are legitimate members of His family.
After all, no one disciplines a child they don’t care about. Lack of discipline often leads to poor choices and lives shipwrecked by lack of guidance. Just as discipline is necessary in our earthly families, it’s just as vital in God’s family. Don’t resist or despise His correction—praise Him for it, knowing it’s a sign of His love and care for you.
Prayer: Father, I thank you for this wisdom. As hard as chastisement may be, I am grateful for the fruit it bears in my life and endure it without grumbling or despair. I thank you for the holy spirit, and your word that encourage and strengthen me as I endure, counting it all joy, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
• 1 Corinthians 10:13
• Isaiah 53:5
• Proverbs 27:6