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”… And he went out, not knowing where he was going.“Hebrews 11:8 NKJV

“You should not put all your eggs in one basket” is a metaphor often used in the world to say that logical people should always have alternative plans if their As and Bs were to fail.

It seems to be a wise thing to do, sometimes even a necessary one. The life of a devoted Christian however, is not always so. Very seldom do you even find an explanation to what you are doing let alone have a plan B. This is not to be mistaken for confusion for God is not a God of confusion (1 Cor 14:33), instead it is the essence of faith, moving with an unshakable confidence in His faithfulness.

We are not oblivious of the cunning schemes of satan, neither are we ignorant of the familiar spirits that may mimic God. But the scriptures tell us that His sheep know His voice (John 10:27), and they follow Him. There are things intimacy alone can afford you, and by which your spirit bears witness with God’s spirit and you have an unwavering, and unquestionable commitment to keep believing that what He says comes to pass, and His word is the sufficient weapon you need to navigate through life.

So it is in our theme scripture, a truth spoken of our father of faith Abraham. I believe like many of us in the habit of trusting God with all our eggs, many were the voices of mockery, discouragement, even ‘wise counsel’ to discourage the man from making a seemingly big mistake. Yet for our fathers, the story ends with triumph, many that lived on to this day, thousands of generations later.

Child of God, every dart the enemy throws at you is on account of The Word (Mark 4:17). You must know the power in having a confirmed word from God for it is bread, it is life and it is spirit (John 6:63). Let nothing keep you from continually examining yourself and how willing you are to keep trusting, leaning entirely on the one who can be trusted always!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I thank you for your spirit that guides and teaches me what ministers to your heart. I have exercised my self to lean my entire personality on who you say I am and what you do through Christ in me. I know how to count my days and apply my heart to wisdom, to the glory of your name, Amen!


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