“The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” Proverbs 14:8 NIV
There is no doubt that we live in a dispensation where immediacy and urgency are at the highest level they have ever been and certainly not to the one they will ever be.
However, there is a way that will never fail nor deceive, a way that will remain unchanging from age to age and that is the way of godly wisdom. Whether you believe it or not, God created time, therefore is outside of time. So the times aren’t a surprise to him, neither are the inventions of the times.
Our theme scripture opens our eyes to this reality, that seeking godly wisdom in every endeavor is the way of prudence, and this is irrespective of if you are skilled or experienced in what you plan to do. It is simply inviting God in every detail with sincere trust and belief that His thoughts are greater, his guidance is richer and his counsel is complete even when it momentarily doesn’t make sense. One of the meanings of the root word folly as seen in our text is actually “self-confidence”, trusting in your wisdom, which scripture calls foolishness to God. Therefore children of God, do not deprive yourself from the help which has been availed to you.
There is nothing too big or too petty for God, if it matters to you, it matters to Him that you care. Lean your personality entirely on Him! It pays off to trust in the Lord.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this word. I have witnessed your faithfulness in every season of my life and it is to this end that I seek your counsel in all that I do — that I may be weighed and found prepared. I walk circumspectly redeeming the time. I am a son of God and my days shall be spent glorifying your name, through Christ that gave himself for me, Amen!