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“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18 NIV

Now more than ever, our world is most divided than it has ever been in centuries past. Whether it is about disputable matters, cultural, political, social, moral and religious you name it.

This is however not new, it is true in our day as it was in the apostles time, who regardless of what differentiates us from them, the counsel remains the same – agree for the sake of unity. In our theme scripture, the point is not to agree for the sake of it, but to agree everywhere possible if it means relationships to one another and to Jesus will be salvaged.

The literal meaning of a harvest of righteousness is ‘conformity to God’s will in thought and in deed’. We as children of God are advised to seek for harmony, concord and agreement in ourselves and in one another that we may reflect our heavenly nature. In a world of so many voices, it is only unity derived from a singular and unchanging truth that can keep us abiding — love covers a multitude of sin. 

Get in the habit of asking yourself, what would Jesus do ? And let the one whose image you bear lead you into all righteousness. Praise the Lord!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I ponder the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus for the sake of reconciling us to you; and to that my response is to make every effort to live peaceably with my brothers and sisters. By your spirit, teach me how to overlook offense that I may reflect the reconciliation you have freely extended to me, in Jesus name. Amen! 



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