“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
Jeremiah 33:3 NIV
The most peculiar and precious thing about the God of the Holy scriptures is that He is a God who speaks.
Many times you hear christians say things like ‘I will pray about it’ or ‘I have to seek God about this’, and to the unbelieving it may sound strange that your logic and earthly wisdom are not enough. To us believers, it is a promise written that when we call to Him not only will he answer, but He will also tell us even greater things we did not know.
Child of God, you have access to an unspeakable privilege that the God of the universe, who created time therefore is out of it, would come near to address you on a personal level — should you invite him! It is therefore unacceptable to walk as one who has no direction, or dwell in confusion and anxiety when the one who knows yesterday, today and tomorrow walks ahead of you to set your days right and behind you in kindness, to keep you from the harm of your past (Psalm 139:5).
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Hallelujah.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I walk as one with direction because your voice is ever present leading me into the paths of truth and wisdom. Your counsel never gets familiar and because of it I live above and the predictable ways of men. May your glory always find a home in my yieldedness, in Jesus name! Amen.