“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,” Psalms 1:1 NIV
The impact of the people we surround ourselves with cannot be overstated.
Many remain stagnant and consistently compromised due to the company they keep. In our theme scripture, the psalmist doesn’t reference deep relationships but rather the simple act of walking, standing, and sitting with scoffers.
One sin often leads to habitual sin, and the lack of conviction is a clear rejection of God. On the contrary, when outward changes occur, it’s a sign that grace is at work within. Child of God, never underestimate the power of bad company, as it will inevitably corrupt good morals.
Likewise, the reverse is true: if you admire the character and discipline of another believer, surround yourself with those whose example you can follow.
Prayer: Father I thank you for this word. I am very mindful of those who surround me for I know the cost of spiritual recklessness. Thank you for continuously ordering divine connections for my sake, that we may glorify your name in all we set our hearts to, In Jesus name. Amen!