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“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7 NIV

The ultimate purpose of the manifestation of the spirit is for common good.

It is imperative for us as believers to know and fully understand that God’s heart is for people. He doesn’t play favoritism, and gives to all men willing to believe according to their faith.

If there be a manifestation of the spirit through healings, miracles, prophecies, words of knowledge and wisdom, whatever it is — it is not to render men famous and gluttonous but for common good and the glory of His name. Do not therefore misuse the gifts of God to serve personal gains and motives, but instead to proclaim the good news as He draws men to himself (John 12:32). Praise the Lord!

Prayer:  Father I thank you for your counsel. May I always regard the gifts of the spirit as a means to serve others and be a vessel of honor unto you. If you seek for a man/ woman to send, I am willing and available, that your name may be glorified through Christ that worketh in me. Amen!