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“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:10-11 NIV

By definition the word Rema is an utterance of the spirit of God that finds its definite meaning in the word.

If for example a barren woman, married for over two decades and past her biological clock as it pertains to science receives a word from God that they will conceive, perhaps be as specific as saying in their 50th year, that would not be something out of the ordinary.

If you seek the scriptures, you see stories of our mother Sarah bearing the same promise for as far as her nineties, we see women like Elizabeth experiencing the same. Such a promise qualifies as rema for this woman, and finds scriptural evidence to back it up even if it does not specify if this conception will happen the eve of her 50th birthday, or three months before or after.

This is where the power of scripture comes in cause your hope will be tested, the legitimacy of God’s word as described in our theme scripture becomes the foundation on which we stand on knowing that His word (logos) doesn’t return to him void — not his utterance. Child of God, logos (the word) is complete and can totally stand on its own because it is immutable and trustworthy, but rema cannot for it finds its meaning in logos.

Proverbs 14:12 speaks of hope deferred which makes the heart sick, and many a time you may find that one held on to rema which could have been for encouragement but carries no substance of its own because logos was absent. The second portion of the same scripture says that a longing fulfilled is a tree of life, and this tree of life is none other than Christ the vine (John 15:5). See  therefore to it that your anchor is found in the Word for it never fails. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I hold fast to your word in every circumstance because it is known to withstand the test of time generation after generation. Guide me with your loving eye on me, and lead me to your promises as you have intended to. I am persuaded that you began this good work in me and will see it to completion on the day of Christ, to the glory of your name, Amen! 


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