“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” Psalms 126:5 NIV
Our key scripture is part of a group of psalms known as the “Songs of Ascent,” sung by the Israelites as they traveled back to Jerusalem for religious festivals.
As Israel returned from Babylonian exile, there was a mix of joy and sorrow. They rejoiced in God’s restoration, but their hearts also carried the weight of the struggles and losses they had endured along the way.
This verse captures both emotions, reminding us that suffering, hardship, and sorrow are temporary because God reigns over all. Our perseverance through these trials is the “sowing with tears”, yet there is also a promise of “reaping with joy”. Despite their exile, plunder, and enslavement, God was restoring Israel and enabling them to once again worship Him in the land He had given them. Beloved, though this world is not free from pain, it has been commanded to provide for you.
Whatever seems to be falling apart or holding you back right now, remember that by pressing forward in perseverance, you are destined to inherit what is eternal. This hope will never disappoint. Praise the Lord!
Prayer: Father, I thank You for this blessed assurance. I know that nothing is lost or wasted in Your hands, and for this, I praise You, regardless of circumstances. You alone make all things perfect in its time, that your name may be glorified. Amen!
• Isaiah 12:3
• Psalm 126:1-3
• Ecclesiastes 3:11