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“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6 KJV

Bible scholars have often mentioned that the original languages in which scripture was written usually place emphasis on the last thing to be mentioned as most important. In our theme scripture, the last tool to be mentioned before you present your petitions unto God is thanksgiving, or gratitude as you prefer.

A very common stumbling block is the belief that as a Christian you just have to exercise gratitude as a piety yet it is also an emotion that cannot be faked. So many enter the place of prayer with differing emotions yet go by the rule book of being grateful when their hearts are as detached from that reality as they can be.

True gratitude that is spiritual is deeply rooted in an understanding of who Christ is to you, the preciousness of His finished work for you, and the operation of His spirit in You. A true understanding of these three neutralizes any differing emotions that may attempt to distract you from the foundational truths that have a bearing on eternity and your soul versus the changing emotions that may stifle your gratitude.

Child of God, having gratitude is not an exercise of confessing what is untrue for the sake of obeying the rules, that is falling from the costly grace that was given you. The Bible tells us, you have all that you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

A posture of gratitude in prayer places you on the side of one who has and removes you from the side of one who lacks. It keeps you from seeking God for His hand, but instead spurs you to seek Him for His face. Hallelujah!

Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. My heart rejoices at the purity of your voice. Thank you because you are my ever present help in time of need and I hear you always. I conform to your image daily because I have learnt to seek you for who you are. The world attests to the vision of you when they see me, for I rejoice in doing your will, in Jesus name. 


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