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“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:13 NLT

In yesterday’s devotion we looked at how we are equipped to do what God recommends for a life lived in the spirit.

Today we look at another layer of this supernatural ability, which is God himself, through the person of the Holy Spirit giving us not just the ability but also the desire and power to do that which is pleasing to Him. In a marriage, after a certain amount of time, some spouses begin to sound the same, behave in some way like the other, use similar phrases and words and if children get in the mix you might be under an impression that some even look alike.

If this is true of a marriage where you become one flesh but really still are two separate individuals, our marriage to Christ as groom and us as His bride should yield the same and more results in the same similitude as does a human marriage. This is accomplished through the help of the spirit who doesn’t just walk alongside us as a spouse does, but lives on the inside of us, taming, modifying, inclining our natural affections to be like those of the one who bought us at a great price — the Lord Jesus Christ.

Child of God, the next time doing the right thing according to the word feels difficult, remember you have a divine enabler on the inside of you and invite Him to take the stage. He never fails ! Hallelujah!

Prayer : Father I thank you for this truth. I thank you for the holy spirit who is my helper, my teacher, my comforter and my counselor. This same spirit guides me, advantages me and always places me ahead of every scheme and unpleasant surprises from the enemy. I am a learned spirit and I know how to respond at the right time and in the right way by the power of your word, in Jesus mighty name. Amen! 


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