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“Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!”
2 Corinthians 10:12 NLT

Comparison is a very dangerous and fertile ground for deception, heartache and sometimes even having a distorted image or belief concerning God and who He says He is.

What we believe about God defines most of our attitude and character. In Amos 7:8, the prophet has a vision in which he sees a plumb line. A plumb line is a magnetically weighed vertical line that is made to extend directly toward the center of gravity. Painters and woodworkers use this tool to keep their lines straight.

When the Lord says He will test his people using a plumb line, its a depiction of what our comparison should be in relation to — Him, His holiness and our likeness to that as the redeemed of the Lord. That is why in our theme scripture Paul discourages us from comparing ourselves to one another cause that is such a poor perception among kings and priests (Revelation 1:6).

Child of God godliness and contentment is great gain for you. Honor your mind by thinking of those things which are praiseworthy, excellent, above reproach and true of God and consequently, of you.

Prayer: Father I thank you for this wisdom. My standard of judgement is your word, what it reveals about you and says about me. I have disciplined my spirit to weigh my self against truth and sound counsel that your name may be glorified now and always through Christ who saved me! Amen. 


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