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“Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” Psalms 144:1 NIV

In Deuteronomy 28:12, God promises to bless the work of our hands.

Work is a dignified endeavor, and earning a reward through effort is honorable. For those with little formal education, skill in a craft is invaluable. A fighter, for example, needs to train his hands just as much as a scholar needs to train his mind. A soldier skilled with a sling or bow requires discipline and expertise, no less important than the knowledge of a scientist or professor.

We recognize Godly guidance in a clergyman’s teachings, but we should also see His hand in the work of weavers, tailors, welders, and all skilled workers. All wisdom and ability come from the Lord, and He deserves our gratitude for them. This principle applies even to the smallest parts of our body.

God teaches not only our hands but our fingers too; when fingers are poorly trained, the hand is limited in its ability.

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this wisdom. I thank you for your spirit at work in me that teaches me to do all that I do as unto the Lord. I thank you that you empower me with skills and grace to produce excellent results. I thank you that the work of my hands is blessed, as I steward it with discipline and integrity, to the glory of your name. Amen! 



• Colossians 3:23

• Deuteronomy 28:6

• Deuteronomy 28:12

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