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“Think about what I am saying. The Lord will help you understand all these things.” 2 Timothy 2:7 NLT

It is said that during slavery, some slave owners were so corrupt that they deliberately tore pages from the Bible to ensure that only passages that could be twisted to justify the institution of slavery would remain.

If a person can lack such deep reverence for God, it becomes clear that without intentional commitment to reading, understanding, and living out His Word, it is impossible to truly draw near to Him. While the role of Gospel teachers cannot be overstated, it is equally important not to rely solely on the interpretations and thoughts of others.

Paul encourages us, reminding us that through our meditation, the Lord will give us understanding. This truth is echoed in Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”Roll up your sleeves then, child of God and study.

His Word is reliable and trustworthy— but most importantly, it is for your edification on this side of glory. Praise Him!

Prayer: Father, I thank you for this wisdom. As your servant Job once said, I esteem your word more than necessary food and I look to it as a guiding compass to the destiny you have created for me. I lean on your spirit to fulfill the purpose you have for me on earth, to the glory of our Lord Jesus. Amen! 


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