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”But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.“ Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

There is a song I love so much, and a particular line in it says:

Your Kingdom is backwards, it flows in reverse
What You call a treasure this world calls a curse,
The small become great and the last become first
Your Kingdom is backwards, Lord, teach us to serve. 

The Kingdom of God is unlike the kingdoms of the world. This wonderful minister ends with this particular line asking ‘teach us to serve’ alluding to Jesus’ words that the greatest among those of the kingdom is the one that serves others (Matthew 23:11).

When you serve others, it is not just them but the God in them you are serving. The same is with waiting, we live in a world that glorifies instant gratification. In the kingdom of God however, the prophet Isaiah reveals to us the secret: to wait.

It sounds controversial on all fronts, but remember that our God reveals secrets (Daniel 2:28), but He is also a God of order and cares for us as a parent.

The prophet tells us that in the waiting, your strength is renewed because God daily reveals the end of a matter and the wise know to discern that not only can they not perform it as God would, but would be settling for less if they go ahead of Him.

They walk, not in a hurry, but with direction towards a defined purpose that they have first visualized by the spirit and know cannot be robbed from them. And finally when they run, they do not do so aimlessly, for the knowledge of the revealed end in mind helps them cover more ground.

Child of God, waiting is only hard for those who have no revelation to cling on to. The word is made flesh daily backing the revelation given to you, and your attitude towards your wait is with easy for there is an expectation of good to come.

Wait, I say — on the Lord! 

Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. I delight my self in the seemingly hard matters of the spirit because I know their hardness is evidence of my need for your divine mercy and help. I wait actively, well knowing that you are my present help in time of need and none of your words spoken to me returns to you void — in Jesus name I pray and believe, Amen! 


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