”The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it, And until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it.“
In our African societies, parent’s disciplining children by the rod is not foreign. Matter of fact, it is considered a pure demonstration of love. Rightfully so, the scriptures tell us that a father disciplines the child he loves
. What a conundrum!As true as it is of our earthly fathers, so it is of our Heavenly Father. Just as you never doubted the love of your parent, neither deserted them when the rod was hot against your flesh, neither should you do so your Heavenly Father when His correction feels like sour vinegar in the mouth or hot coals heaped against the flesh.
The thirtieth chapter of the book of Jeremiah is titled in the NLT version “A promise of deliverance” , but when you scroll down the footlong letter you wonder how can this be a deliverance when the Lord sounds so dismayed with these people? Truth is many of us still don’t understand the heart and wisdom of God.
We imagine Him in such human perceptions that we fail to see His sovereignty. The wounds He inflicts are for your good, not as a way to glorify suffering, but to purge out the sin that ensnares you and keeps you at the mercy of your enemy, the devil.
Every painful correction you have received even under your parents’ care always end up proving to be the most meaningful life lessons you carry and extend to your own children. How much more God then?
Would you not consider that He would rather withhold what you think to be your most desired blessing if His eyes are trustworthy enough to look past your present and determine what is good today is harmful tomorrow?
Child of God, do not wait for the last day to understand. Embrace the loving correction of God and the hands from which it comes. Your reward is sure!
Prayer: Father I thank you for this truth. Help me to love every tie that binds me to you. There is nowhere else I would rather go, or be for you alone have the words of life even when they burn all that I know to be good. I submit my thoughts and desires to you that you may refine it as you see fit for you alone are good. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen!